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Following is a sample of the endorsements that Africa Review of Books has already obtained from leading academics and heads of educational institutions.

The appearance of ARB has been an event eagerly awaited by the CODESRIA constituency as well as all those who are committed to the advancement of African studies. Following is a sample of the endorsements given on the occasion of the publication of the maiden issue of ARB:
UNESCO welcomes CODESRIA’s new initiative, the Africa Review of Books. As a mirror of African science and culture and as an instrument serving African solidarity, union and integration, this publication looks set to become a lively forum of dialogue among Africans as well as between Africans and the rest of the world.
Koïchiro Matsuura
Director General, UNESCO

At its best a Review of Books is a procession of great ideas in print, a stream of literary thought. CODESRIA is to be congratulated on a major initiative.
Ali A. Mazrui
Albert Schweitzer
Professor in the Humanities
Director, Institute of Global
Cultural Studies
State University of New York,

Le projet de publication d’une Revue africaine de Livres …est une initiative dont je voudrais saluer l’opportunité et l’utilité dans l’histoire de la publication universitaire. Offrir aux lecteurs de toutes origines le privilège de disposer de comptes-rendus critiques de livres écrits sur l’Afrique, ainsi qu’un espace de débats multidisciplinaires, ambition ne peut être plus noble pour combler l’important déficit en matière de production et de diffusion de la connaissance africaine.
Professor Abdel Kader BOYE
Recteur, Président de l’Assemblée de
L’Université Cheikh Anta DIOP de
Dakar, Sénégal
Book reviewing is a particularly strategic field of intervention. Apart from giving due attention to and a platform for African scholarship it allows for a critical engagement with the vast, uneven and sometimes offensive material being produced by Africanist scholars elsewhere, addressing its relevance for the frontiers defined by forces on the ground.
Professor Björn Beckman
Department of Political Science
Stockholm University

The appearance of the Africa Review of Books will represent an important milestone in our collective efforts to advance the process of acquiring sovereignty in the production and reproduction of knowledge in Africa. It will strengthen our ability to effectively focus on literature generated in Africa, dealing with Africa with primarily an African audience in mind.
Professor Kwesi Prah
Director, The Centre for Advanced
Studies of African Society (CASAS)
Cape Town, South Africa

The launching of the Africa Review of Books demonstrates, once again, the leadership and path-breaking role that CODESRIA is playing not only in the study of Africa and the promotion of African scholarship, but also in knowledge production and dissemination worldwide.
Dr. Lennart Wohlgemuth
The Nordic Africa Institute
Uppsala, Sweden


Pages 4

Africa Review of Books / Revue Africaine des Livres

Volume 01 N° 02, Septembre 2005


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