Africa Review of Books is a biannual review that presents works on Africa in the field of social sciences, humanities and creative arts (including films, photography and painting)and all noteworthy creative works published in Africa or abroad, basing on critical presentation and reviews of recent books on Africa.
Its purpose is to serve as a forum for critical analysis, reflections and debates on Africa. Indeed, the Review welcomes the submission of critical reviews, essays and book reviews.
Contributions that cross disciplinary boundaries and encourage interdisciplinary dialogue and debates are particularly welcomed. In case you would be willing to collaborate with an African and Africanist review, we ask you the following:
1. Critical reviews and essays should be original contributions; they should not have been the subject of any other publication before they have been submitted, nor might they be under consideration for other publications at the same time.
2. The recommended length for the reviews can vary between 1500 and 2000 words, with an exception of up to 3000 for reviews on works of major importance or commissioned works (critical reviews and others).
3. Manuscripts are best transmitted by e-mail as attached file. If sent by post as hard copy, they should be accompanied by a CD. in MSWord or RTF format.
4. For book reviews, your work should include the book title, the author’s name, the publisher, the number of the bookpages followed by the ISBN and finally the price of the book. All this information should appear just after the title of your review. The latter should be different from that of the book while keeping a close relation to this work; the title should not be too long but suggestive enough to give an overall idea of the content that can attract the reader.
5.The chosen citations should not overload the work neither in number nor in length; they should be carefully chosen to suffice the argument and very concise as well.
6. The submitted work should be accompanied by an abstract of about ten lines and 05 to 08 keywords and all necessary information about the contributors and the authors of the presented works: name, address of the home institution, a dated list of your recent publications, your telephone or fax number and e-mail address.
We would be very grateful if you would respect all these recommendations because we absolutely want that this nascent review establishes a solid place as a scientific review that complies with international standards. We thank you in advance for your collaboration.
It is important to note that unaccepted contributions will not be returned to their authors. Contributors will be provided two copies of the Review issue in which their works appear.
All contributions, editorial correspondence and books for review should be addressed to:
Editorial board of Africa Review of Books
Centre de Recherche Scientifique et Technique en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle
Technopole USTO - Bir El Djir- Oran.
B.P. 1955 Oran‐ El M’naouer 31000 Algérie
Tél: 213 (0)41 62 06 95 / 213(0)41 62 07 11
Fax: 213 (0)41 62 06 98
Send your requests for advertising or subscription to:
Publications Programme
CODESRIA, Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop X Canal IV
BP 3304, CP 18524/ Dakar, Sénégal
E-mail :
Tél: (221) 33 825 98 22/23
Fax: (221) 33 824 12 89